Chasing Ghosts

Chasing Ghosts

a·bout /əˈbout

Consumed by wanderlust, I have spend a substantial amount of time traveling and exploring this world in which we like to figuratively call our home. was created to begin capturing these travels and experiences from along the journey.... or rather... the chase, while trying to find myself and grasp how extensive and robust our "home" truly is. 

more /môr

life /līf

life /līf

love /ləv

love /ləv

trav·el /ˈtravəl

trav·el /ˈtravəl

blog /bläɡ

Posts coming soon!

sub·scribe /səbˈskrīb

con·tact /ˈkänˌtakt


Continue making great memories and filling your passport up with stamps.

Enjoy the Chase!

Hours of Operation

24/7, 365